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Hummingbird Sightings for Fall of 2024

Fall 2024 Hummingbird Sightings

Read more about the fall migration of hummingbirds

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Ruby-throat Hummingbird Fall Migration

Many hummingbirds spend the winter in Central America or Mexico, and do not migrate. For example, in Honduras as many as 42 species of hummingbirds can be found, mostly year-round. And others further north, in areas like California and the upper Pacific coast, do not migrate.

However, some hummingbirds are migratory creatures, and migrate north in the warmer months to their breeding grounds in the United States and the Canadian provinces.

Then, by late summer and early fall, breeding is completed and the southward migration back to Mexico and Central America is underway.

Many of our website viewers are continuing to see hummingbirds as we move from late summer into early fall of 2024, and are reporting their migration sightings and stories of interest. Some viewers are seeing increasing numbers for now, others reporting their last sightings of the year.

Included here are a few of the recent hummingbird observations reported to this website, newest listed first.

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08/29/2024 - Hampton, NJ
Species: Ruby-throated
Lots of traffic at both our feeders and they’re being emptied quickly. Females and juveniles all day, unsure how many individual birds. No males spotted here in about a week.
08/29/2024 - Morden, Manitoba
Species: Ruby-throated
Beautiful albino Ruby-throated hummingbird sighted and photographed! View photos on this website
08/29/2024 - Akron, OH
Species: Ruby-throated
Have 2 feeders in Highland Square, on 4th floor of a high rise. Currently 1 hummingbird visits at a time frequently throughout the day.
08/29/2024 - Suffolk, VA
Species: Ruby-throated
Multiple females and a single male sighted today.
08/29/2024 - Bethesada, MD
Species: Ruby-throated
Ruby-throat hummingbird was sighted here today.
08/28/2024 - Harrisville, NH
Species: Ruby-throated
This summer I’ve had about 30 hummingbirds with seven feeders. I changed the feeders every four days and on the 23rd my two mature males left. And on the 26th, I only had about eight left. And today I’m down to three and I am so sad. You guys in the south,  take care of our babies. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to last all the way till next May 3. I worry about them and I miss them.
08/28/2024 - Munroe Falls, OH
Species: Ruby-throated
Hummingbird still here.
08/28/2024 - Ridgeland, MS
Species: Ruby-throated
At least 3 males and 4 females visited my feeders today.
08/28/2024 - Iron River, MI
Species: Ruby-throated
Last week, I was filling my feeders everyday and I have 4 feeders. I counted at least 12 hummingbirds. I noticed this week, the count has diminished to around 5 at the most. I believe last week's feeding was to prepare for the migration and the ones I am seeing this week are not the same that frequent my woods in the summer, they will actually buzz my husband and me, and are not afraid. The ones from this week are skiddish, and fly off once I go outside.
08/28/2024 - Bohemia, NY
Species: Ruby-throated
One hummingbird sighted today.
08/27/2024 - State College, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
Had many hummingbirds flitting around last weekend.  I cleaned the feeders on Tuesday and I haven't spotted any since.  Makes me sad to see them leave.
08/27/2024 - Saco, ME
Species: Ruby-throated
My hummingbirds left early this year.  They usually leave a couple weeks later.
08/27/2024 - White River Junction, VT
Species: Ruby-throated
No hummers spotted since yesterday morning … I think they’ve headed south!
08/27/2024 - Mazomanie, WI
Species: Ruby-throated
We have about 4 or 5 still feeding here, tho we were up to 10 in late July.
08/27/2024 - Colbert, WA
Species: Black-chinned
Most are gone but a female blk chinned is still here and feeding heavily.
08/27/2024 - Pittsburgh, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
Numbers have increased over the last week. No males yet.
08/27/2024 - Wynnewood, OK
Species: Black-chinned
Hummers at the backyard feeders.
08/27/2024 - Columbia, SC
Species: Ruby-throated
Two Male Ruby Throated Humming birds feeding at my porch feeder.
08/27/2024 - Huntington, WV
Species: Ruby-throated
Hummingbird sighted today.
08/27/2024 - Naples, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
I have had 12 at my feeders every morning and evening for the last week.
08/27/2024 - Hanover, NH
Species: Ruby-throated
For the past few weeks we've had 5 or more hummers drinking and swooping at each other for much of the day. As of yesterday, things seem to be quieting down with only 2 or 3 in sight and they are spending less time at the feeder.
08/27/2024 - Crab Orchard, IL
Species: Ruby-throated
After lows in the upper 40’s and lower 50’s, we now have 10-12 birds. They are moving south!
08/26/2024 - Cedar Run, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
Over 50 yesterday ... Half that number today at 6 feeders along the windows.
08/26/2024 - Bloomingdale, IL
Species: Ruby-throated
3 females fighting over our single feeder with 6 spots to feed and 2 planters with hummingbird favorites flowers. Usually it's only 2 females fighting over the feeder at once. This evening at 5:30PM there were 3 chasing each other around the feeder and surrounding area! Wow-ee! What a sight. I love hearing their little chirps!
08/25/2024 - Canandaigua, NY
Species: Ruby-throated
Female has been frequenting the feeder and just caught a glimpse of the male feeding as well. Every 10-15 minutes. Sad they are leaving soon! 
08/25/2024 - Hulbert, OK
Species: Ruby-throated
We have approximately 15-20 hummingbirds at our 3 feeders. We believe they are mostly ruby-throated. 
08/25/2024 - Sunderland, MA
Species: Ruby-throated
We've had about 5-10 birds for the last month. Getting more and more frantic and fighting with each other. Then today they all appear to have gone. Migrating?
08/24/2024 - Marshall, AR
Species: Ruby-throated
I have a leucistic Ruby-Throat that showed up a few days ago and has been a frequent visitor.  View photos on this website
08/24/2024 - Anna, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
I have had approx 6-8 of these all spring and summer which is typical annually. Have had quite a bit more activity the last week or so from them. Still have 5-7 I believe. 
08/24/2024 - Leverett, MA
Species: Ruby-throated
I have 3 to 5 Ruby throated hummingbirds regularly here all day every day at my 4 to 5 feeders. They seem to be feeding more and more frantically. I’m assuming they are getting ready for their trip south. They are amazing young ones, so tiny. I pray they make will it.
08/24/2024 - Tyler, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
We have a massive change in the numbers of Ruby-throats today; 6-8-10 at a time on a feeder. In the past few weeks we have been having our usual 2-4 in the area, one at a time on a feeder. Looking back over the last 15 years in our fall migration record book, it is indeed time to start seeing an influx of hummers!
08/24/2024 - North Attleboro, MA
Species: Ruby-throated
Many males and females visit the feeder daily although it seems like one male is ruling the roost and chasing others away.
08/24/2024 - Vermilion, OH
Species: Ruby-throated
We spotted and photographed a Leucistic white hummingbird at French Creek Winery in Killbuck, Ohio.
08/23/2024 - Montréal-Ouest, Quebec
Species: Ruby-throated
I only seem to catch them on their way south. Spotted female Ruby-throated hummingbird at my flower box full of bright orange dahlias. Quickly put out a feeder for them but haven't seen her since.
08/23/2024 - Varney, WV
Species: Ruby-throated
My hummingbirds have come in droves this year.  So many, so beautiful and I've tended well to them.  They are drinking more now and I am giving extra bit of sugar in my mix, just a bit.  I hope they stick around much longer as I really love having them.  I even warmed their nectar up the last 2 mornings as it was cold for them. 
08/23/2024 - Vergennes, VT
Species: Ruby-throated
Still feeding Ruby throateds here in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
08/23/2024 - Houston, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
Bees were around the feeder as a hummingbird hovered. Changed it out for a bee proof one and he then got to sip!
08/22/2024 - Mabank, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
Quite a few yesterday and today. I’ve got two feeders out.
08/22/2024 - North Myrtle Beach, SC
Species: Ruby-throated
Definitely an increase in the number of Ruby-throated hummers this week at our feeders and their favorite flowers. Some are feeding side by side at adjacent feeders. A mix of females, males, small and large. It has been a great year for hummers here this summer. Amazing little creatures! And …Thank you for this site. I learn so much from your information and from other posts.
08/22/2024 - Sandown, NH
Species: Ruby-throated
3 or 4 ruby throated hummingbirds at my feeder at any time.  They fight over it, so I'm thinking they are juveniles.
08/21/2024 - Clarksville, AR
#FBFBF7 Species: Ruby-throated
Abrupt increase in number of hummers at my feeders August 21 2024.

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Read more about the fall migration of hummingbirds

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