Hummingbird Central

Hummingbird Sightings for Fall of 2024

Fall 2024 Hummingbird Sightings

Read more about the fall migration of hummingbirds

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Rain makes Ruby-throats thirsty! Scene at our yard, September 8, 2023, approaching peak fall migration

Many hummingbirds spend the winter in Central America or Mexico, and do not migrate. For example, in Honduras as many as 42 species of hummingbirds can be found, mostly year-round. And others further north, in areas like California and the upper Pacific coast, do not migrate.

However, some hummingbirds are migratory creatures, and migrate north in the warmer months to their breeding grounds in the United States and the Canadian provinces.

Then, by late summer and early fall, breeding is completed and the southward migration back to Mexico and Central America is underway.

Many of our website viewers are continuing to see hummingbirds as we move into early fall of 2024, and are reporting their migration sightings and stories of interest. Some viewers are seeing increasing numbers for now, others reporting their last sightings of the year.

Included here are highlights of the recent hummingbird observations reported to this website, newest listed first. Emphasis is given to those sightings which reflect changes and trends in migrating bird numbers.

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09/08/2024 - Tyler, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
Still seeing large numbers of migrating hummers today, though the "peak" may have been on 9/6 when the air was full of flying birds, and each feeder had 8-10 occupants!
09/08/2024 - Ohara Township, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
We still have 2 at our feeder everyday but know they will be leaving soon.
09/08/2024 -  Go Home Lake (Muskoka), Ontario
Species: Ruby-throated
Much less frequent, but half a dozen single visits today at our feeder so far (females or juveniles).
09/08/2024 - Vestal, NY
Species: Ruby-throated
Activity is dwindling and the first one we have seen in the last 2 days or so. Maybe one passing through.
09/08/2024 - Bear, DE
Species: Ruby-throated
 No sightings for almost a week now!
09/08/2024 - Algonquin Highlands, Ontario
Species: Ruby-throated
Just a single female this morning. Frost warning tonight!
09/07/2024 - Biloxi, MS
Species: Ruby-throated
We had one on yesterday, then today we have about 8 birds.
09/07/2024 - Brocketon, MA
Species: Ruby-throated
The hummingbirds who have been regularly visiting our feeder are gone. No sightings for several days.  Spotted one buzzing a cone flower then leaving without visiting feeder so assume it was migrating.
09/07/2024 - North Constantia, NY
Species: Ruby-throated
My regulars departed last week. I have seen 4 today, a few hours apart. I assume they are just moving through my area.
09/07/2024 - Gainesville, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
35-40 Ruby-throated here for the past week or so. Numbers remaining steady.  I have a pied or piebald ruby-throated here today. 
09/07/2024 - Cranberry Township, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
Much aggression between females seen frequently at our feeder. Chittering and running each other off. They are getting chubby because they are drinking so much nectar. They will soon be departing, no doubt. We had a male about two days ago, but haven't seen him lately.
09/07/2024 - Val-des-Bois, Quebec
Species: Ruby-throated
I think my regulars left on the long weekend and the ones I am seeing today (and even yesterday) are just passing through. Their behaviour is different - a little more skittish when I get close to the window or move around inside the house.
09/07/2024 - League City, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
25 hummingbirds at backyard feeder from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm in League City, 2 miles from the Gulf coast.
09/07/2024 - Wiggins, MS
Species: Ruby-throated
We are counting about 30 every day. We have some males, a large quantity of females and juveniles.  We had 5 feeders up but added 2 more due to the high numbers.
09/07/2024 - Crawfordsville, IA
Species: Ruby-throated
For three days now we have seen about a dozen hummingbirds feeding extensively at our four feeders. 
09/07/2024 - Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario
Species: Ruby-throated
Still @ my feeder today. 8 C this am.
09/07/2024 - Arcadia, OK
Species: Black-chinned
Four hummers flying fast and furious fussing over the feeders. They love to sit on my chain link fence or sit in the big tree just past the fence.
09/07/2024 - Brandon, MS
Species: Ruby-throated
We have had an influx of birds the last few days. One that stood out the most to us is an albino. We have never seen one here but are pleased to have it here this year.
09/07/2024 - Silver Bay, MN
Species: Ruby-throated
Female hummers continue to feed heavily on three feeders as I make this report.  I have not seen a male in over a week. This mornings temperature is 48 degrees.
09/07/2024 - Maniwaki, Quebec
Species: Ruby-throated
My feeder was active all summer but since September 4th, I have not sighted any.
09/07/2024 - Merrimack, NH
Species: Ruby-throated
Large hummingbird at my feeder this morning at 8:30am.
09/07/2024 - Flat Rock, NC
Species: Ruby-throated
During past week increased activity observed, many more females flying protective sorties around our feeders and flowers. Clearly bulking up.
09/06/2024 - Baxters Harbour, Nova Scotia
Species: Ruby-throated
1-2 regular large females were still seen yesterday in the morning then activity went quiet.  A large female was here this morning-feeding 3x but have not seen it since (it may have been one passing through).
09/06/2024 - Beebe, AR
Species: Ruby-throated
Had a crazy influx of hummers today. Thinking it was a migrating group. Put out extra feeders because we couldn't keep up. Seeing lots of females and juveniles as well. Poor babies traveling on their own. Hope they have a safe journey.
09/06/2024 - Grimsby, Ontario
Species: Ruby-throated
Still seeing some the last few mornings and evenings; this morning a female.
09/06/2024 - Andover, MA
Species: Ruby-throated
She was at my feeder this afternoon, early evening. I hope I see her again before the long journey. I just love them.
09/06/2024 - Cumming, GA
Species: Ruby-throated
North of ATL - still seeing a few hummers.  In the past few days the numbers have increased.  We have had one female that returns each year alone but now she has some passersby friends.
09/06/2024 - Westcliffe, CO
Species: Broad-tailed
Westcliffe CO is about 8,000 feet. Today we are down to one male and about 15 to 20 females. Last week we were filling 14 feeders every day, now down to every other day with 6 favorite feeders. Both Rufous and Broad-tailed are still here.
09/06/2024 - Suffolk, VA
Species: Ruby-throated
Confirmed one juvenile male (split tail) chasing another unknown sex. Feeding on Rose of Sharon, hibiscus, cardinal climbers, salvia (baby sage), butterfly bush, lantana, and our feeders.
09/05/2024 - Wells, ME
Species: Ruby-throated
My big female is still here but everyone else is gone.
09/05/2024 - Hyde Park, NY
Species: Ruby-throated
Last saw my Ruby-throated female yesterday afternoon.  Today, 9/5, no sighting. Last week male hummer came to my front window and hovered. I believe he was saying goodbye for now. Hoping to see at least a few more sightings before the final bow.
09/05/2024 - Lake Orion, MI
Species: Ruby-throated
I am getting 20 to 25 sightings daily.  The males seem to have headed south and I’m getting a lot of female and young male sightings.
09/05/2024 - Coudersport, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
Sighted one feeding on bee balm and Physostegia in clearing near woods.
09/05/2024 - Ebenezer, WI
Species: Ruby-throated
Flurry of activity now; I will continue to feed till hummers are all gone, which could be Oct.15. Must be migrants here now.
09/05/2024 - Saxton, PA
Species: Ruby-throated
Seeing fewer hummers, but still have several females at my feeders. Will continue to supply nectar. Also have many flowers where they continue to visit.
09/05/2024 - Liberty Lake, WA
Species: Calliope
The majority of my hummers have left - I spotted one very early in the morning and have not seen any since. Happy flights! You will be missed!
09/04/2024 - Midale, Saskatchewan
Species: Ruby-throated
Ruby-throated females and juveniles last sighting Sept 1, 2024.  Male ruby-throated last sighting Sept 4, 2024. Couple mornings with heavy fog and Sept 4 overnight temps dropped to 3 C (37.5 F).
09/04/2024 - Wilmington, NY
Species: Ruby-throated
Estimate that I had over two dozen ruby-throated hummingbirds in June and July. We are down to our last dwindlers here. Maybe one or two left at this point here in the very northern most part of the Adirondacks of New York. Sure are going to miss them again.
09/04/2024 - Wallingford, CT
Species: Ruby-throated
One female ruby-throated stopped by this evening; the numbers have dwindled big time the past week. Be ready my southern friends!
09/04/2024 - Milton, Ontario
Species: Ruby-throated
Last male, Ruby-throated sighting was last week. He loved the feeder. Now just the females and littles who only love the flowers! :)
09/04/2024 - Independence, MO
Species: Ruby-throated
Down to one male and several juveniles/females. Reported near 20 last week, down to less than 10 this week. Days are getting shorter and their hormones are getting higher.
09/04/2024 - Sturgeon Bay, WI
Species: Ruby-throated
Had been filling my 2-cup feeder every day until a couple days ago, with as many as 6 feeding at once.  Now only an occasional diner; I guess they have left at once heading south for the winter!
09/04/2024 - Santa Fe, NM
Species: Rufous
Mostly numerous female and adolescent male rufous hummers and a few black-chinned. Heard a broadtail however couldn’t identify gender.
09/04/2024 - Norwood, LA
Species: Ruby-throated
Went from 4 to approximately 20 in the last 2 days.
09/04/2024 - St. Louis, MO
Species: Ruby-throated
I've got at least 10-15 feeding all day and evening at my two feeders I watch from my office. Most are females and some juveniles but they are very active.
09/04/2024 - Pickering, Ontario
Species: Ruby-throated
One hummingbird seen in backyard at hummingbird feeder.
09/04/2024 - Hannibal, MO
Species: Ruby-throated
Female at feeder and on Black & Blue Salvia
09/04/2024 - Crossmount, Saskatchewan
Species: Ruby-throated
Only one female at our feeder
09/04/2024 - Big Sandy, TX
Species: Ruby-throated
Have had roughly 22 hummers until now. I counted to the best of my ability 37 as of today. I will be adding 2 more feeders to the 5 that are already out since more birds will be coming. I wish they could stay all year around.

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