Hummingbird Central

Flowers in the Landscape

Beautiful pink Zinnia in the hummingbird landscape garden

Hummingbirds love, and need, flowers and the nectar their blossoms provide.

The design of our backyard landscape provides beauty to us humans, as well as food and shelter for hummingbirds, butterflies, songbirds and other wildlife.

Our flower garden features a number of different ecological environments.

Located in the country, it backs up to hundreds of acres of forest, with nearby fields, pastures, and wetlands. It is registered by as a certified Monarch Waystation.

We've included in our backyard garden several types of Lantana (45 plants at last count!), Zinnias, Pentas, Salvia, Batface Cuphea, Nasturtiums, Coreopsis, other annuals and perennials.

Read more about flowers and blossoms in the home landscape ...

Annuals, Perennials and Flowering Vines

Flowering Shrubs and Trees