Hummingbird Central

Mexican Violetear Hummingbird

Common Name
Mexican Violetear Hummingbird (formerly the Green Violet-ear Hummingbird)
Scientific Name
Colibri thalassinus
4 3/4", large compared to many hummingbirds
A tropical species, the Mexican Violetear is commonly found in forested areas from Mexico southward to Nicaragua, often at altitudes between 3,900-7,500ft. It is also seen from time to time in Texas, and on occasion in states further north, and even into southern Canada.
Characteristics and Identification
Overall bright green appearance with a violet ear patch, and a dark tail band. Bill slightly downcurved.
Comparison of the Rivoli's, Green-breasted Mango and Mexican Violetear hummingbirds

Mexican Violetear Hummingbird
Mexican Violetear Hummingbird

Mexican Violetear Hummingbird
Mexican Violetear Hummingbird